Studio Beige
Studio Beige
Studio Beige
Studio Beige
Studio Beige
Studio Beige
Studio Beige
Studio Beige
Studio Beige Studio Beige Studio Beige
Studio Beige
next project

Club Haug is the only comedy club in Rotterdam which has just recently opened its doors to the public. Their aim is to bring a constant flow of top-notch comedians to the club. So far they are succeeding and all eyes are on these newcomers as they are attracting both nationally as well as internationally acclaimed talent. 
Looks like Club Haug is here to stay!

Concept /Design

We wanted the Club Haug identity to reach as many people as possible. In our view this asked for a logo that would be perceived as sympathetic rather than comical. The logo, with its consonants shooting up and complemented by a tilted ‘club’ sign, mimics a physical venue. It almost literally invites you in while the use of color and imagery are of a more contrastive nature.
